HaVe a NiCe dAy

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

young people use smartphones as web route

Keep the computer in a common area so you can monitor what their children can do. This is a long-standing guidance for online safety - but one that is quickly becoming more important as young people often access the Internet with mobile devices, is.

Pew Internet & American Life Project reveals a new report by the young people, ages 17 to 12, 78 percent have cell phones now. Nearly half of these smartphones, is part of a growing - and is such a big impact, and where many young people are accessing the web.

's smartphone.

Mobile web is

Compared with only 15 percent of adults say they mostly have internet access by mobile phone.

Donald Conkey, Wilmette, Ill., A high school sophomore just north of Chicago, is among the many smartphones teenager who says "This is just a part of life now,". The time now is each about the same when it comes to their phone - they are many. '

on their phone - and only then is increasing, he says.

"Sometimes I have days where my phone is not charging up behind her, it feels almost like I'm naked in public," Michael Weller, a senior at New Trier High School, where Conkey said the attendance . "I'm really attached to your phone every time connections and needs."

According to the survey, older teenage girls aged 17 to 14, the most basic way that their phones to access the web may be included. Low-income families while young people still were somewhat less likely to use the Internet, those who had phones were just as likely - and in some cases, more likely - by the way in which the web As access to their cell phone use.

This means that, as a "mobile user" this will be old and grows younger generation, the way corporations do business and make money marketers to develop, such as mobile devices are monitored will continue to do.

Many smartphones already Menu bar serves up some of the parents, or adult material is allowed to block. Mobile phone service providers in our children's texts are allow to see them.or Miss - can claim.

Some call activity despite the ability to see, some tech experts are concerned that monitoring and communication, response trend is just the best.

Some parents are strict limits. Mary Madden, a senior researcher at Pew who co-authored the report, and other great, is not it.

"It's like two extremes shut down parents who are really monitor everything -., Or who are throwing their hands and saying, I'm very impressed," Madden said.

"To own proper laws to adults are trying to do, alone with their children," Madden said. "This is a difficult time for parents."

And their children in a primary school, where bling has become a symbol of high-tech on the phone for a "No" that, apparently hard time.

VERNON Hills, Ill. A mother, Sherry Budziak, said her daughter's friend at age 6 Touch the iPod, a phone, a media player that does not have internet access but use applications by the're texting.

She calls. But last fall, his 11-year-old daughter found an old model phone contact, so he can live with that..

"We are far from conservative," he says.

Budziak her daughter and her daughter's friends This mother's phone, tells her daughter is not. This means that she and her husband on phone texts have supervised any time they want.

His daughter about all sanctions against it? Occasionally.

"But they need a phone right now so badly that it does not matter," Budziak says. He's getting a call from a phone at all was better. '

, The University of Texas at Arlington assistant professor of communication, as "Read" Mark Tremayne said that he and his wife have their 13th birthday, which is coming faster than all of them put up is the son of a smartphone. They are planning to monitor, is already a few "surprises" when discovered on the iPod Touch web surfing history check.

On the one hand, Tremayne says things like books and magazines that I used to watch when he was 13 years old.

"It is very clear that kids will do what kids," he says. But he acknowledges that access to a mobile device that can make easier to achieve.

Key, he says, he talked about his son's, and that of many other experts also advise and Communications Tech.

"I do not think that technology itself is bad enough risks benefits outweigh., But parents need to be aware of it," Daniel Castro, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a senior analyst, research and education think tank based the Washington, DC

He only part of it, is asking `what you are doing, and why?"

Danah Boyd, a senior researcher at Microsoft Research, the young and specializes in technology-based communication, the parents, teachers and other adults can be directed down.

For the past decade, much discussed online safety monitoring is focused on monitoring handhelds in the world will not help, but discuss, will "Boyd, the media, culture, and communication, a new Research Assistant Professor at the University of York.

The Henry Jenkins, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Comparative Media Studies Program, director of the research is pointing to. The long-parents, school and after-school programs that focus on how the online world is encouraged - reliable online source of judgment about the community skills development and high-tech pool collective construction of knowledge are used to help.

View Conkey's mother recognized that he can occasionally see text.

"Oh, yes, they look our shoulders and know who we are talking to will want - and this is expected," Harry Conkey, a high school senior said. "The parents know who they are talking to their children is a natural."

Her parents do not use any filters because sometimes when I "accidentally" downloading or surfing on their phone or laptop, Mom and Dad, that's part of learning and growing. The change, however, with his 6-year-old son Peter may have.

View Conkey said, "I think these things get trickier as time goes on,". "And I think things will be easier to achieve - the naughty things that I think probably more than I was with the older boys."

It is a balance, she says, because she and other parents realize that smartphones and other mobile devices just part of life and learning is likely to be. At least at the college level, some schools are seeing the benefits of mobile surfing, and even encouraged.

Last fall, a film and media studies professor at Virginia's George Mason University Stephen Groening taught a class that examined "Cell Phone cultures." Students work done using standard phones - create video essays, taking photos, texting and tweeting are.

he never knew

In New Jersey, Seton Hall University first semester freshman who is a free smartphone. Among other things, using them to help them on campus, and connect with other students and campus news to follow. SHUmobile app streams

, Seton Hall, a freshman, Kelly Packnick sounds like one of the students who said they did not come to school for a smartphone with are particularly useful.

Do not allow if they were in high school. He was only allowed to make phone calls.

Results have 802 young people, ages 17 to 12, and their parents on a nationally representative telephone survey are. Report, Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet and Society is a joint venture, was conducted between July and September last year. Plus or minus margin of error was 4.5 percentage points.

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