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Sunday 5 January 2014

The Infolinks Media Guru Challenge 2014

The Infolinks Media Guru Challenge 2014For the past several weeks almost anything you saw online was some kind of 2013 summary list. But summarizing things is easy; the tricky part is predicting what the future has in store for us. That’s why we here at Infolinks are willing to double the earnings of the Infolinkers who take out their crystal balls and become media gurus that tell us what are the things that will shape the online world in 2014.

That’s right. Infolinks invites all of you to become a media guru.  All you need to do is to tweet us at @InfolinksInc an app, social network, tech product, search term, how to question or even keyword that you think will shape 2014. Some of the most creative forecasts will be featured on our blog and our favorite tweet will award the winner double earnings for the month of January!

How to Become a Media Guru:
What were the Top Stories of 2013?
In our blog post about the top tech stories of 2013 we talked about Apple’s recent super successful iOS 7 launch that brought more than 500 million installations to date. We also discussed Google’s Humingbird algorithm change that has been called by many “the death of SEO”.  Will iOS 7 continue to nibble away at Android’s market share? Will keyword centered content die? And most importantly, what will replace it?

What did People Search for in 2013?
Another important tool to predict what people will talk about in 2014 is Google’s annual search terms report. With the deaths of Nelson Mandela and Paul Walker leading in overall searches, we still see that the overall top 10 list had three tech gadgets in it. Try and think what will get people talking next year, as guessing what world leaders and film starts will pass away requires a complete different skill set.

Other search categories in Google’s report include all the “what is” and “how to” questions that have become so popular in recent years. Try and think what internal questions will puzzle people online in 2014, or just ask Miley Cyrus what she has planned, as her now infamous dance moves brought the “what is twerking” was the number #1 asked question on Google in 2013.

What Happened in Social Media in 2013?
Finally don’t forget to look at the top social trends of 2013 to get a better picture of the ever-changing social world. With Google + catching up to Facebook domination of the market and the big entrance of middle aged people to social party, how will the market change in 2014? Will photo based networks like Pintrest and Instagram continue to grow so rapidly? Or maybe Snapchat will evolve from a sassy tool for teenagers to flirt to a mainstream platform that will change the way we exchange media.

So put on your media guru hats, utilize your writing skills and you might double your earnings! Just tweet your top predictions to us @InfolinksInc and you might win. Be creative and explain your prediction, but don’t forget: You only have 140 characters to convince us that you are the number #1 media guru around.


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