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Tuesday 7 January 2014

TIA 2014: Network of the Future Call for Participation

TIA 2014: Network of the Future Call for Participation
The Network of the Future is in our hands; with the challenges presented by exponential mobile demand, constrained bandwidth capacity, shifting value chains, a policy landscape struggling to keep up with the pace of technological advances, and more, the industry must come together to take action.
This Call for Participation is therefore so much more than a simple Call for Speakers. As illustrated at TIA 2013, we are planning a highly strategic, interactive and participatory Conference in Dallas, June 3-5. TIA's Advisory Group, made up of senior-level industry experts and TIA Board Members, is meeting on January 29 to help finalize the program. Feeding into the conversation will be:
  • The TIA 2013 Action Guide, produced as a result of action steps determined from TIA 2013
  • Submissions from this Call for Participation
  • Input from service providers, enterprise, government, healthcare and education users of the network
Details about Your Submission
Complete the simple form provided, keeping the following in mind:
  1. Focus on any or all facets of: markets/business, technology and policy of your topic. TIA’s events offer a multi-faceted view which provides a more comprehensive view of the landscape.
  2. Your topic title and description must explain your concept as an action-oriented idea relating to the Network of the Future (rather than a specific product your company will be launching, or a trend that is already well-entrenched in the marketplace). Use the following guidelines:
    1. What is new and different about your concept?
    2. Why should it be addressed in a high-level strategic conference on the Network of the Future?
    3. How will it address an existing or developing problem or challenge?
    4. Does it belong in the category of thought leadership?
    5. What industry action or activity must take place for the concept to succeed?
    6. Is there any portion of the Action Guide which your concept addresses?
  3. All those selected will receive broad visibility and recognition through TIA’s website and marketing materials. Based on your submission, TIA will determine best fit for one or more of the following formats:
    1. Roundtable Participant: You will be included as a participating leader in a strategic an invitation-only Roundtable discussion.
    2. Moderator: Based on your stated expertise and ideas, you will be selected to moderate a panel or Roundtable. The position of moderator comes with additional responsibilities to participate in the development of desired outcomes, questions to be asked, invitee list, coordination with TIA and additional participants, summary of key discussion points, and review of the resulting report.
    3. Panel Speaker: You will be invited to participate in an interactive panel discussion aligned to your topic
    4. Focus Group Participant: TIA plans to host focus groups of service providers and enterprise, government, healthcare, education and other vertical segment end users. If you belong in one of these segments, your submission may entitle you to participate in a focus group. If, on the other hand, your company supplies products or services to these customer segments, you may be included in the planning for a focus group.
    5. Advisor: You will be included as a member of the Advisory Group with the opportunity to influence the conversation and expected outcomes.
  4. Bonus Consideration: Because attendees have a need to hear from other customers their best practices, challenges, ideas and perspectives, your submission will be given significant consideration if you are able to partner with a customer (service provider or end user) willing to join you at the Conference. Your customer should be authorized and prepared to provide perspectives from his or her company’s point of view.
  5. Sponsorship: Your company may wish to sponsor TIA 2014 and other TIA events, in support of the important work and Actions emerging from the Conference. Your company does not have to be a sponsor to be selected as a participant. However, the Sponsorship Levels do include participation opportunities as follows:
    1. Host: Keynote + 4 participants in Conference Program
    2. Platinum: 3 participants in Conference Program
    3. Gold: 2 participants in Conference Program
    4. Silver and Bronze: 1 participant in Conference Program
      For details on sponsoring TIA 2014, contact koconnor@tiaonline.org or access the Sponsor Flyer
Conference Planning Timeline
  • Wednesday, January 15, 2014: Deadline for Submissions
  • Wednesday, January 29, 2014: Advisory Group Meeting
  • Friday, March 28, 2014: Program Finalized; Registration Opens
  • Monday-Wednesday, June 3-5, 2014: TIA 2014: Network of the Future Conference

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