HaVe a NiCe dAy

Friday 18 October 2013

Google Q3 Earnings Beat Expectations, Pushing Stock to All-Time High

Google stock is at an all-time high. The company banked $2.97 billion in net income on nearly $15 billion in revenue during the last quarter.
Matt Kapko  |  Search  |  Print version
cheez-it-carCheez-It to Smart Car: We're Better Together
Cheez-It's social media agency, Razorfish, covered a smart car in crackers and then tweeted a picture of it to @SmartCarUSA. It then upped the ante on Vine.
Susan Kuchinskas  |  Social Media  |  Print version
remote-control-touristRemote Control Tourists Entice Visitors to Australia 
Tourism Victoria wants to allow potential Melbourne, Australia visitors to “try before they buy” with its remote control Tourist initiative, in which four “tourists” followed online suggestions to explore the city.
Lisa Lacy  |  Strategies  |  Print version
race-the-sunLand Rover Targets Affluent Car Buyers in ‘Race the Sun’
Land Rover kicked off a digital media campaign this week, promoting a new interactive film and upcoming 2014 Range Rover Sport
Matt Kapko  |  Automotive  |  Print version
email-deliverabilityBecoming One With Our Email Addresses
Every year the percentage of email opens on mobile devices increases, while the number of voice calls decreases. It stands to reason that, eventually, the "phone" aspect of the smartphone will live on in name alone.
Dave Hendricks  |  Email Marketing Optimization  |  Print version

growth-engineCan We Ever Expect Native Advertising to Scale?
A platform that can deliver content marketing at scale, for both publishers and marketers, must have both ends of the advertising spectrum--native advertising and programmatic buying--working in concert.
Laney Whitcanack  |  Publishing  |  Print version
girl lookign silly wearing Google GlassWearable Computing & Ads: Why Not?
We are on the brink of the Wearable Computing revolution and marketers should always be willing to look at any new thing with an interested eye.
Gary Stein  |  Strategies  |  Print version
Social MediaSocial PPC – The Definitive Guide for Marketers
Portent Interactive's Elizabeth Marsten shares the definitive guide to social PPC for marketers.
Elizabeth Marsten  |  Paid Search  |  Print version
iridis4-university-of-southampton-ibm-supercomputer close up5 Common IT Objections to Marketing Projects
How to overcome challenges in dealing with IT and move forward with your CTO.
Bryan Eisenberg  |  ROI Marketing  |  Print version
Freight trainThe New Mobile Reality for Advertisers & Publishers
In the new mobile reality, publishers and advertisers are being forced to engage users in different fashions. Omar Nicola explains.
Omar Nicola  |  Publishing  |  Print version
internetmarketingThree Ways to Refresh Your Marketing Channels from a Customer Perspective
Is your digital presence giving customers an integrated, consistent, and profitable experience with your brand and services?
Patti Hunt  |  Strategies  |  Print version
Facebook RetargetingFacebook Reveals New Retargeting Capabilities
New retargeting options are coming to Facebook that won't force you to go through Facebook Ad Exchange.
Justin Freid  |  Social Media  |  Print version
shopthis2MasterCard Integrates Purchasing Technology Into Wired
MasterCard’s ShopThis with MasterPass allows consumers to buy products directly within advertising and editorial content.
Lisa Lacy  |  Strategies  |  Print version
YahooYahoo Users Increase as Revenues Decline
As Yahoo pursues increases in traffic and user engagement, it appears to be coming at even greater expense to its bottom line.
Matt Kapko  |  Search  |  Print version
dockers1Dockers Shoppable Video Aims at Millennial Males 
Dockers seeks to shed its stodgy image with a hip new clothing line and an interactive video featuring British Hip Hop Artist Tinie Tempah.
Mary Lisbeth D'Amico  |  Strategies  |  Print version
An interactive iPhone displayThe Next Iteration of Native Advertising Will Be Interactive
What better way is there to engage site visitors than with an interactive feature that requires consumer participation?
Tessa Wegert  |  Media Buying  |  Print version
kissSex with Data? An Email Marketer’s Tale
Email marketers have very legitimate concerns about best practices, mobile and more. Know what they're not too worried about? Sex with data.
Simms Jenkins  |  Email Marketing Best Practices  |  Print version
numbersCore Flaws in Attribution Modeling
At its core, attribution modeling tries to answer some very complex questions quickly and easily. If you are subscribed to the attribution model, make sure you are aware of its shortcomings and consider investigating other ways to prove your value.
Mathew Sweezey  |  Marketing Automation  |  Print version
shutterstock-52824967Is It Wrong to Love Analytics This Much?
Digital marketers share what they love about analytics and the industry in general, with columnist Jim Sterne.
Jim Sterne  |  Verifying Business Value  |  Print version
2-apparel-and-accessories-heatmapDon't Use 'Holiday' in Retail PPC Ad Copy (& Other Surprising Optimization Tips)
Research from the Bing Ads team uncovers critical PPC ad optimization insights for retailers this holiday season.
John Gagnon  |  Paid Search  |  Print version 

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