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Friday, 1 November 2013

Google Brings Out Nexus 5 with Android KitKat

Posted: 31 Oct 2013 03:05 PM PDT

Google uncover its next-generation smartphone, Nexus 5 along with android latest 4.4 KitKat operating system in San Francisco at a news event.

A 5-inch smartphone, will be on stores The Nexus 5, for $349 with 16GB and $399 for the 32GB version.
Both will be available in white and black.
The Nexus 5 with a speedy Snapdragon 800 processor is as slim as a third of an inch, and lightweight as only weighing 4,59 oz.

The  amazing achievement of Nexus 5 is its camera lens, which moves within the phone to compensate for your motions. "You don't have to worry about shaky hands" said Burke. A new HDR+ mode selects and stitches together the finest possible shot from a burst of pictures.

The company give more of its event time on showing the new OS. KitKat is coded to compatible with all Android devices, especially in emerging markets. Other Nexus devices will get the update "in the coming weeks," Said Google.

KitKat apps have been filtered to use less computing power, said Sundar Pichai, Head of Android.
If we took example of Chrome browser then it will use 16% less power in Kitkat comparative to JellyBean.  

Google has now improved its voice recognition app, which now can be called from any page just by saying "OK Google". A translucent Google will be available on all pages/screens. Search results will be with an unique option that will take you directly to apps.

Stay tuned for more updates regarding "KitKat" and "Nexus 5".

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