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Monday, 4 November 2013

Light-beam shines a light on which websites you're really visiting

Do you really know where your browser goes when you type a URI into its address bar? Do you realise that that your browser not only accesses the site you intended but may also have visited 3rd party websites running connected services? Mozilla's Lightbeam shows you what's going on.
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Monday review - the hot 25 stories of the week
It's weekly roundup time! Here's all the great stuff we've written in the past seven days...
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CryptoLocker ransomware crooks offer "late payment penalty" option
The crooks behind the CryptoLocker malware seem to have introduced a second chance option for victims who change their minds about paying up.
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Fake femme fatale dupes IT guys at US government agency
The head of information security opened a malicious birthday card link from her. Others offered her jobs, asked her out to dinner, or offered to help her get network access and a laptop. In short, men who should know better flocked to "Emily", supposedly a 28-year-old MIT grad with 10 years of...
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Memories of the Internet Worm - 25 years later
Today is the 25th birthday of the infamous Internet Worm. What have we learned? Could it happen again?
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NSA, Apple, Facebook and Adobe - 60 Sec Security [VIDEO]
A touch of fun but with a serious side - and only a minute to watch it. Give our weekly "60 Second Security" video a whirl today...
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Wisconsin woman accused of posting love rivals' nude pics on Facebook
A woman from South Milwaukee, Wisconsin, faces stalking and identity theft charges after she allegedly hacked into her ex-boyfriend's email and stole information not only on him, but also on his other love interests.
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96% of businesses are unprepared for a cyber attack
A new survey from Ernst & Young discovered that 96% of the 1,909 executives questioned felt that their companies were unprepared for a cyber attack, but only 23% of the companies placed security awareness in their top two priorities.
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