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Sunday, 3 November 2013

Mystery Barge Is A Google X Showroom, Not A Data Center

Posted: 03 Nov 2013 05:00 AM PST
This week there has been much interest and speculation over the strange barge building belonging to Google, located in the San Francisco Bay. Everyone seemed pretty convinced that it was a floating data center due to the ideal situation for an easy cooling source.
However, it would appear the mystery has been solved. A report from CBS’ San Francisco affiliate KPIX, reports that Google is planning to use the unusual building as a re-configurable, invite-only showroom for Google X projects and products. The design means that the showroom will be movable, it can be taken apart and reassembled on demand. KPIX said that it would have three floors of showrooms and a party deck according to “a source who has been on board the vessel.”
Google Barge
Google has been working on the project for months but recently works seem to have come to a standstill. A secondary mystery Google barge, located in the harbour in Portland, Maine, is also currently sitting idle. No one knows why the work has stopped but the Maine coast guard said that it is assumed work will not begin on the Portland structure until the San Francisco Bay project is complete.
It will be interesting to see whether Google confirms or denies these latest reports from KPIX and when the work resumes on Treasure Island.
[Image via Gizmodo]
Posted: 03 Nov 2013 04:00 AM PST
Soon, toddlers may know more about computer programming than many adults. This is thanks to a company known as Play-i, which is made up of certain individuals with companies such as Amazon, Google, and Apple appearing on their resumes. Their goal is to get low-cost robots into the hands of children between the ages of 5 and 8. The children will then be able to program the robots to do most anything – bring them a flower, kick a ball, or even carry an object.
Teach Your Tot To Program With Play-i Bots
The specific bots pictured are Bo and Yana. Bo is pulling Yana. According to Play-i’s website, Bo is more of the adventurous bot, while Yana is more of an imaginative storyteller. Bo can go pretty much anywhere and do most anything you want him to do, while Yana helps children expand their imagination. When the two are together, there are all kinds of unique ways they can interact. Since they can detect each other, one of the neatest activities for them to do is to play hide-and-seek with each other, or even with another bot. There seems to be almost no limit for the interactive possibilities.
So, How Do They Work?
Good question. In order to be able to use Bo and Yana out of the box, you will need access to the Play-I app. Whether you have iOS or Android, you will be able to download the app on your tablet. Your children will then be able to use the app to program Bo and Yana to their heart’s content. The programming begins at a basic level and then is able to be advanced as the children grow older.
How Much Does It Cost?
Since using Bo and Yana requires that you already own a tablet, the designers really wanted to make sure that they kept the price point as low as possible. Parents can pre-order both bots currently for just under $200, and they are expected to ship in the summer of 2014.
Check out the video below, courtesy of Play-i.
[Image via play-i]
Posted: 03 Nov 2013 03:00 AM PST
It will come as no surprise that Apple is continuing its rapid expansion and growth program.  As the high end technology company grows rapidly around the world, it prepares to open yet another store; this time in the country of Brazil. A report from 9to5Mac claims that the Cupertino firm is opening up shop in Brazil’s major city, Rio de Janeiro.
Apple Rio Store?
Information from 9to5Mac’s source has said that Apple’s retail expansion into South America is a high priority and the company will begin seeking Apple retail employees from its own U.S. stores to relocate to Rio de Janeiro for several months in the first half of 2014.  Apple is said to want the U.S. employees to be employed in the new store in order to demonstrate and teach Apple’s strict retail practices. The North American-based employees will also serve as temporary employees that will be able to assist customers during this time period.
According to this speculative rumour, Brazilians will be able to get their hands on all of Apple’s wildly popular products: iPod Touch,iPad, and iPhone, as soon as the store is slated to open sometime in the first quarter of 2014, most likely it will be March. The report has also suggested that the store was supposed to open this year in July but was unable because of issues with staffing. Now, though, Apple has decided to push the opening of the store just in time for the massively popular FIFA World Cup.
If this report is true, it is bound to be another huge financial gain in Apple’s revenues as it continues to spread its global presence.  This includes as many developing countries as possible. The new store is set to be located in the Village Mall shopping center.
[Image via: businessinsider]
Posted: 03 Nov 2013 02:00 AM PST
A consortium of large technology companies, which owns thousands of patents from the Nortel bankruptcy auction, has filed law suits against Google alleging infringement.
Rockstar, which is jointly owned by Apple, Blackberry, Ericsson, Microsoft and Sony has filed suit in the US District Court of Texas. It is not just Google that have been accused of infringement but also Asus, Samsung, HTC, Huawei, LG, Pantech  and ZTE.
US Patent Office
The tech consortium is suing Google over patents relating to Rockstar’s search advertising business, as well as Google’s hardware maunfacturing partners over the devices that run Android. Effectively, by suing Asus, it is launching an attack on the Nexus 7, which Asus manufactures for Google.
A Google spokesperson said in a statement: “While we haven’t yet been served with this complaint, we continue to advocate for patent reform that would address the current flood of patent litigation.”
Rockstar acquired the more than 6,000 patents from Nortel in an auction almost two years ago. The consortium spent $4.5 billion, out-bidding Google, who were also at the auction. The US Department of Justice, who approved the sale, said that members of the consortium committed to licensing so-called standard essential patents on fair terms.
John Veschi, CEO of Rockstar told Wired magazine:  “Pretty much anybody out there is infringing. “It would be hard for me to envision that there are high-tech companies out there that don’t use some of the patents in our portfolio.”
Google have now been accused of infringing seven of the Nortel patents, which relate to the technology that helps it match internet search queries with relevant advertising. Samsung too is accused of infringing seven patents but these relate to graphical user interfaces, messaging and notifications. HTC and LG are accused of violating these same patents.
[Image via Calltamara]

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